Friday, December 21, 2007

Mike Gravel's offensive

Mike Gravel's offensive

With the most recent Times Poll showing Democrat Mike Gravel's standing at 0% in both Iowa and New Hampshire, the former senator's surge to the front of the political pack has yet to emerge.

Yes, he's gotten some ink recently and even not so recently when The Times' Tomas Alex Tizon followed him on his simple campaign trail.

He's still trekking around the countryside, alone, staying at friends' houses and talking to anyone who will listen. He was in Colorado this week where he got some free publicity in a Denver Post article. And hoped he could convince maybe 70 people to show up at his niece's house in Boulder and pay $50 apiece to hear him speak.

I think that Mike Gravel isnt doing what is needed to be done in order to become elected president and that if he even wants a chance he is going to need to step up his game and start finding places that will listen to him and agree with him.

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