Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Fred Thompson, missing in action in N.H.

Fred Thompson, missing in action in N.H.

Thompson's absence was his final bow to what long had been apparent -- he didn't take to the Granite State, and it most assuredly did not take to him. Indeed, the Tennessean pretty much sealed his poor political fate here on the day he officially entered the Republican presidential race.

As you may recall, Thompson traveled to beautiful downtown Burbank in early September to announce his candidacy during an appearance on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." Problem was, from the point of view of many New Hampshirites, his gambit meant he wasn't on stage for a GOP debate that night in the state.

He made a few forays into New Hampshire during the weeks that followed, but his message, his style and his drawl never gained traction. As his campaign proceeded -- and the weather turned cold in Iowa (where he also put his efforts also were somewhat cursory) and New Hampshire -- Thompson increasingly focused on the South, occasionally joking to his listeners that he felt more comfortable stumping in places where voters sounded like him.

I personally think that if Fred Thompson really wanted to become president he would be making a bigger effort to be liked all across America not just in one place so i think he is making a big mistake just spending his time in the south.

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