Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ron Paul: Get Back to Gold

Ron Paul: Get Back to Gold

Ron Paul is correct, monetary authorities around the globe have been conspiring to suppress gold prices for decades.

Not convinced? Don't tell that to his followers. Because partly as a result of this view, Paul, a Texas congressman and Republican presidential hopeful, has become the champion of gold bugs who see him as the best friend of their precious metal, and, they hope, the next occupant of the White House.

"Our central banks around the world colluded over the last 10 to 20 years and have been dumping gold to keep gold down," Paul said in an interview with when he met with voters in Concord, N.H., late Tuesday. "But finally, [the price] broke loose, and gold is soaring again to historic levels."

I think that Ron Paul is just trying to touch apon as many topics as he can to get publicized. Personally i dont think gold is that big of a deal to todays society.

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