Thursday, December 20, 2007

Biden Calls for Preschool Expansion

Biden Calls for Preschool Expansion

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Democrat Joe Biden unveiled an education plan Wednesday that would provide free preschool to every child and bonuses to teachers who work in poor neighborhoods.

The presidential candidate said the U.S. education system needs an overhaul because its students are lagging behind their peers in other countries. He cited recent test results from the Program for International Student Assessment that showed U.S. students' scores in math and science were lower than the average of the 30 countries involved in the study.

"The numbers are very disturbing," Biden told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "But we've known this. ... We're not investing in our kids the way we should."

I think that his plan to create preschool free for everychild would be a very good idea but i dont see how that would increase test scores overall in the United States, because you dont learn Math or Science in preschool anyways. But overall it is a pretty good idea.

1 comment:

Mr. Carlson said...

I read recently that school in India are teaching students word problems in second grade! I wonder what they teach in preschool!