Thursday, December 6, 2007

Romney: No Religious Test for President

Romney: No Religious Test for President

Republican Mitt Romney, confronting voters' skepticism about his Mormon faith, declared Thursday that as president he would "serve no one religion, no one group, no one cause," and said calls for him to explain and justify his religious beliefs go against the profound wishes of the nation's founders.

At the same time, he decried those who would remove from public life "any acknowledgment of God," and he said that "during the holiday season, nativity scenes and menorahs should be welcome in our public places."

In a speech prepared for delivery less than a month before the first nomination primaries, Romney said he shares "moral convictions" with Americans of all faiths, though surveys suggest up to half of likely voters have qualms about electing the first Mormon president.

I believe that his faith will affect his decision making no matter what he says but I dont think it will make a big change in the reason people would not vote for him. The reason they would vote for him is because they think he will make the decisions they think are right not because of his choice in religion.

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