Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Obama Casts Self As Civil Rights Successor

Obama Casts Self As Civil Rights Successor

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) cast himself Sunday as a natural and necessary heir to the civil rights greats, appealing to black worshippers to show the courage of their forerunners and back his candidacy for president.

In an unannounced appearance that startled most in the African-American congregation, Obama cast his campaign in historic and even divine terms.

He said that, like Moses, the civil rights pioneers had been to the mountaintop but did not reach the promised land, leaving it to today’s generation to finish the job, much as Joshua succeeded Moses

I feel as if he is just trying to appeal to the public with this because he really didn't suffer like other African Americans did but I do agree that he is probably struggling getting voters because of his race but I personally do not think that is the right way to go about getting votes.

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