Friday, November 30, 2007

Bendinelli: Who is Duncan Hunter?

Bendinelli: Who is Duncan Hunter?

Hunter's experience on the committee has given him more hands-on experience in dealing with the war in Iraq than most other candidates for president right now. Similar to John McCain, whose sons are enlisted in the military, Hunter's son will be returning for a third tour of duty in Iraq. His Web site contains a video explaining his ideas for preparing Iraqis to take responsibility for their own security.

Hunter believes that a primary element of the United States' national security policy should be a stronger missile defense program. He has also been one of the strongest advocates for more intense border security. The Congressman was a sponsor of the bill that established the border fence project last year.

I think that Hunter is a very experienced person but i dont think he is right for the position of "President" I think he would be a good secretary of defense.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Obama Casts Self As Civil Rights Successor

Obama Casts Self As Civil Rights Successor

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) cast himself Sunday as a natural and necessary heir to the civil rights greats, appealing to black worshippers to show the courage of their forerunners and back his candidacy for president.

In an unannounced appearance that startled most in the African-American congregation, Obama cast his campaign in historic and even divine terms.

He said that, like Moses, the civil rights pioneers had been to the mountaintop but did not reach the promised land, leaving it to today’s generation to finish the job, much as Joshua succeeded Moses

I feel as if he is just trying to appeal to the public with this because he really didn't suffer like other African Americans did but I do agree that he is probably struggling getting voters because of his race but I personally do not think that is the right way to go about getting votes.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Hillary Clinton promises more funds for autism

Hillary Clinton promises more funds for autism

Clinton has pledged $700 million a year towards research and education should she be elected President.

The Democrat is promising to boost funding for research into the causes of autism, to improve education and early detection and investigation of autism treatments and provide training for teachers to help them deal with children suffering from the condition; she also promises increased support services for families caring for an autistic person.

I personally think that this article about how Clinton pleged $700 million a year towards research and education is a very good idea but I doubt that she will remember to do it even if she is elected president.